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Privacy @ ClinicsConnect!

             Two-way Text, Email, Voice etc. for Appointments, reminders, feedback and more.....

Clinics Connect understands that privacy is very important so we never compromise or sell your information in anyway. To receive complete privacy statement, please email us or submit your details using the form below.


Clinics Connect is an on-line appointment scheduling, appointment confirmation, reminder, and automated recall system for Healthcare Providers, Clinics and Hospitals. There is no long-term contract or restrictive cancellation policy. Clinics Connect can be used as standlone system or integrated with your current clinic management system for no charge or minimal charge depending on your system. Integration with your current website is also available, it is as simple as adding a button on your website which would enable your patients to click and make appointments online 24x7.

Click2Approve from ClinicsConnect

Click2Approve, 2-way texting and email confirmation

Click2Approve from ClinicsConnect is the quickest and easiest way to confirm your appointments. After ClinicsConnect emails, texts and phone calls go out, your patients will be prompted to confirm their appointment by clicking a button, replying ‘Y’ or pressing 1. Once this happens ClinicsConnect gets word that your patients have confirmed their appointment. We then go into your practice management software and mark their appointment as confirmed. Just another way ClinicsConnect saves you time.


Voice Appointment and Reminder Calls

Automated phone calls for appointments and reminders

Automated appointment reminder calls from ClinicsConnect save your office valuable time, improve customer & staff satisfaction and increase practice profitability! We know how critical reminder notifications are to reducing no-shows and keeping your practice full. ClinicsConnect appointment reminder calls use a natural voice to create the warmth of a personal phone call. We include patient names and appointment-specific details to deliver a professional and personalized message. Plus, caller id match ensures your office phone number and location are displayed to improve response rate.


Online Appointment Scheduling

Schedule, cancel, modify, check anytime....anywhere

Patients, service providers and staff can make, cancel, modify, check appointments online anytime from the comfort of their home or office or on the move. Smart phone and tablet version also available.


Easy Recall

ClinicsConnect=More Appointments

We understand the importance of an effective recall system to a practice. Consistent cash flow, new treatment plans, and caring for patients vital oral health are all reasons we’ve developed the most effective recall system to-date. No other service or doing it yourself will result in more new appointments than ClinicsConnect.


Reduce No-Shows

Reduce No-Shows...Automatically with Automated Appointment Confirmations

Automated email appointment confirmation from ClinicsConnect makes it easy for patients to not only confirm their appointments, but also to get there on time. Unlimited messaging ensures 100% of patients receive timely appointments reminders and requests for confirmation.

When patients don’t show up for their scheduled appointment or fail to cancel their appointment, it costs you more than just the lost appointment. Your time, your staff’s time and the time slot for another patient are all lost when a patient misses an appointment. Reducing no-shows is a critical step to growing your practice, yet many offices still don’t have a plan of action to mitigate and resolve these open appointments and missed appointments. Fortunately PracticeMojo does.



Review/ Feedback is important

How did you do? Did patient like your clinic? Will the customet your clinic to others? These questions are commonly left unanswered with the standard method of feedback. ClinicsConnect integral feedback service automatically asks the patients/ clients to fill in a quick survey on how you/ your clinic performed. You can instantly review the results on how you are doing and use it to retain client and improve your services.



With just the click of a button you can notify clients of changes to your clinic/ service provider. This is an efficient way to notify interested parties of appointment cancellations, special events etc. These alerts are sent out with your logo and comes from YOUR e-mail address!

Digital Contact List

Digital Contact List
Every patient who makes/ modifies appointment online is added to a digital address book for you to access at anytime. Think of it as an electronic rolodex. Use this tool to follow up with patients or send them information on well being, health, vaccines etc. This can also be used to generate referrals or fill in slack times!



We have comprehensive reporting features. Custom reports can also be designed and implemented.

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